Emotion Code

Emotion Code

¿What Is This?

Even though the Emotion Code is a fairly easy and simple technique, it is considered to be the most powerful energy healing therapy that exists nowadays.

According to Dr. Bradley Nelson, the developer of the Emotion Code, 95% of the physical and psychological ailments that we suffer are caused by our emotional baggage. With the Emotion Code we can identify and liberate those stuck emotional energies we call Trapped Emotions. These Trapped Emotions get stuck in the energy body when the person is not able to “digest” very intense emotions of pain, suffering, terror, etc.

We communicate with the subconscious through muscle testing, and in this manner we identify the Trapped Emotions that are causing the problem, may this be an emotional or a physical problem, and when it occurred. Once we have identified the Trapped Emotions we liberate them with the help of a magnet. Very often these Trapped Emotions lodge around the heart to form, what we call, a Heart-Wall. This wall causes all types of problems like depression, isolation, incapacity to find love or success, and many more. When we bring down this wall, life changes in many unexpected ways.

¿Who Is It For?   

We all have around 300 to 400 Trapped Emotions, and 93% of us have a Heart-Wall, and as 95% of our illnesses are caused by these “parasites,” as a client of mine calls them, I believe most people will benefit from liberating these energetic blocks. If you are suffering from a physical, mental or emotional pain, this is for you. The people who most benefit from these sessions are those who approach them with an open mind, and with the belief that everything is possible. Better than defining for who this is for, in this case is better to describe for who it´s not for; it is not for who does not want to let go of their illness, it might sound strange, but there are times when people create dependencies, emotional or physical, that suit them and, even though they might not be conscious of it, their subconscious is and does not want this situation to change. It is not for very skeptical people, with great limiting believes, as thoughts, as well as emotions, are energy and their own mental energy can slow down, or even stop the healing all together. Having said this I must also say that in these cases maybe the practice does not affect them in the desired way, but the liberated energy searches for beneficial ways to make those changes in other ways, many times it dodges the skeptic and creates beneficial changes to other family members, o people who are close to him, and many times it improves difficult relationships.


We now know that 60% of the heart cells are brain cells, that the heart sends more information to the brain than it receives from it, and that it influences its perception, it decision making and other cognitive activities. It can even inhibit or activate certain brain parts, but maybe the most shocking and plausible prove that the heart has a brain is the stories the people who have gone through a heart transplant tell. 

When hearts started being transplanted, the receptors started telling amazing stories; their tastes and personalities started acquiring those of the donors. The best known one is that of Claire Sylvia, she wrote a book about her experience, Change of Heart. In it she explained how in 1988 she had to undergo a heart and lung transplant, her donor was an 18 year old young man who had died in a motorbike accident. After the operation, Sylvia noticed her habits, tastes and attitudes had changed. She started to act in a more masculine fashion, started craving foods that she didn´t like before, like beer and green peppers. In Dr. Paul Peasalls´ article; Changes in Heart Transplant Recipients That Parallel the Personalities of Their Donors, published in Near-Death Studies in 2002, where he interviews 150 patients that had had heart transplants, we find stories like that of an 8 year old girl who received the heart of another 10 year old girl. After this transplant she started having recurring nightmares where she was being murdered. It turned out that her donor had been murdered, and thanks to the details from her dreams the police was able find and capture the murderer. Dr. Paul Pearsall’s study concludes that they have recorded changes in taste, music, art, sexual preferences, leisure habits, mood, vocabulary, philosophy, as well as professional preferences in the receptors that coincide with those of the donors, and also recall of names, memories, places or experiences related to the donors.

The electromagnetic field of the heart is much wider than that of the brain, and it not only influences the brain but it also carries information to the rest of the body. This electromagnetic field is not limited to the body but it extends up to two meters in diameter around it, sending and receiving information from others and to others. That is why, when we walk into a place or we meet someone, we feel good or not… this is our intuition, a hunch, it is the heart`s language that is talking to us. But not only can the heart influence those who are physically near us; they have now discovered that if a person is feeling love for another, the heartbeat of the person who is feeling the love shows up in the loved one`s brain wave, no matter how far apart they are.

Every culture has given the heart an important place, it has often been associated with were the Soul and the Love reside. The spiritual men of indigenous societies of nearly all parts of the world pray without words, they concentrate on their hearts and they feel the prayer as if it has already been done; these kinds of prayers are generally very effective. Ironically, it is now that we, in the “first world,” are starting to understand the strength and nature of the heart. Our ancestors, maybe because they trusted what their hearts told them, and therefore the channel with the Soul was open, already knew this. Dr. Bradley Nelson, creator of the Emotion Code, has discovered that 93% of humans have what he called a Heart-Wall, a phenomenon that might explain our great disconnection with our heart, and the reason for our difficulty to listen to the constant information it reveals to us, and are so ready to hear what the mind tells us…. But that is subject for another article.

Estela Davila.

Published in  Spanish in Healerslibrary.com



In the previous article, The Brain of the Heart, I mentioned a phenomenon called Heart-Wall, discovered by Dr. Bradley Nelson. This is an invisible and imperceptible wall for the conscious mind, but a destructively real one for the subconscious, indeed so real that the wall is made out of physical matter; this can be anything: vegetation, rubber, wood, glass, I have even seen one made out of light. But the real material the subconscious uses to build it is Trapped Emotions. We all have great quantities of this material lodged in our energetic bodies. These are emotions we could not entirely deal with at a certain point in our lives, maybe because we were feeling weak at the time, or because they were too intense to feel completely, or too painful for the heart to take. Thus, these energetic balls made out of negative or unbalancing emotions get trapped and hooked within us until we look for them, identify them and liberate them. I believe that sometimes they are spontaneously freed, maybe while receiving a massage or in various other ways, but in those cases we are not conscious of what we are letting go of.

According to Dr. Nelson, 93% of the world population has a Heart-Wall. The results of having our heart imprisoned behind a wall vary greatly, but the most common one is the incapacity to give and receive love freely and deeply. Dr. David Hawkings developed a Scale of Consciousness in order to determine the level of the human consciousness; this scale goes from 0 to 1000. 1000 is the highest human consciousness possible, only reached by Enlightened Masters the likes of Jesus, Krishna or Buddha. The method used to determine the different levels of consciousness was muscle testing, the same approach that Dr. Bradley teaches to identify trapped emotions. Dr. Hawkings found that every person, thing, concept or object that calibrates above 200, the level of integrity, is positive and moves in “power.” Love is not found until we reach 500 and only 4% of the world population ever reaches this level of consciousness. Under 200 is negative vibration and moves by “force.” According to Dr. Hawking’s research, around 85% of the population moves by the energy of force. And I ask myself, could this have something to do with the Heart-Wall? I have heard Dr. Bradley say more than once that people who commit terrible actions towards other beings have Heart-Walls which don´t allow them to feel the suffering they are causing. If this weren’t the case, it would be impossible for them to harm others so badly, and this makes sense, a lot of sense. If not, how could someone do things as terrible as those that have been done in our world?

With these statistics we may ask ourselves why we are still alive, if the great majority of people have Heart-Walls and their level of consciousness is under 200 according to Hawking´s scale. And the answer is that light is always much more powerful than darkness, positive is always more powerful than negative. Every person who calibrates at a consciousness level of 300 counteracts 90.000 who are under 200. A person who reaches 500 counteracts 750.000 who are vibrating under 200, etc. Every time we take down a Heart-Wall we don’t only open that heart to the light, but we also make up for many other hearts that are still buried. Every time we liberate a heart we let go of a bit of the darkness and cruelty that govern this world. Every time love enters completely into a heart it elevates a bit more the Consciousness of all humanity.

Estela Davila.

Publishes in Spanish in  Healerslibrary.com

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Sesion de Código de la Emoción

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With the following information;

Name, age and issue that you would like to work on, and a brief description of the simtoms. In a scale of 0-10 evaluate the pain or degree that it is affecting your life(0 being nothing at all, 10 being the highest). Please also include the info on the bill.

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Practicante Certificada de Astrodiagnosis de los Chacras
Packs y ofertas
Sesión de Sanación Energética
Astrodiagnosis de los Chacras
Novela. Ávara el Mundo Muerto

Todo ser humano quiere una misma cosa; ser feliz. Si cada uno se encarga de su propia felicidad, el mundo sería un sitio feliz. Si tú cambias, el mundo a tu alrededor cambia.

"El fin de Todo Lo Que Es es experimentarse a sí mismo y expandirse. El

vuestro es comprender que Todos somos Yo, y Yo Lo Soy Todo."

Ávara. El Mundo Muerto.

Estela Davila